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Period problems

Painful periods, prolonged/ heavy periods, irregular cycle, bleeding in between periods, infrequent/absent periods.

Pelvic pain

Pain in lower tummy/ pelvis, painful sex, painful periods.

Premenstrual syndrome

The symptoms of PMS include mood swings; feeling anxious or irritable; trouble sleeping; bloating or tummy pain; breast tenderness; headaches; spotty skin; greasy hair. Learn more at

Painful labia

Soreness/ pain/ burning/stinging sensation involving the labia (vulva).

Itching in the vulval area

Persistent itching and or soreness involving the labia. Learn more at

Vaginal pain

Pain unprovoked or provoked during tampon insertion / intercourse.

Vaginal discharge

Persistent or recurrent vaginal discharge.

Coil insertion/ removal

Copper coil for contraception, hormonal coil for contraception/ management of period problems/ pelvic pain/ endometriosis/ adenomyosis/ endometrial protection/ part of HRT


Are benign tumours arising from the muscle layer of the womb that may cause heavy periods, pressure symptoms, and problems with conceiving/ pregnancy.
Learn more at Birmingham fibroid clinic


Is a condition when the cells from the womb lining are displaced into the muscle wall. It is a benign condition. The symptoms include heavy and painful periods.

Cyst on ovary

Cyst is a sac that might have fluid/ semi solid or solid contents. When suspected on examination scan is required to determine the size, nature of the cyst to plan further management. Small cysts (<4cm) with simple characteristics are common in women of reproductive age and do not warrant an operation. Learn more at

Cervical smear

Cervical screening is offered to women between the ages of 25-65 on the NHS screening programme for cancer of cervix. This is done 3 yearly until the age of 50 and thereafter 5 yearly until the age 65 for majority of women. Some women opt to have additional smears done in between. The sample should be taken when you are not on a period and minimum interval should be 3 months from previous test.


Vaginal / cervical swabs are taken to rule out infection (may or may not be sexually transmitted), sometimes before coil insertion/ hysteroscopy.

Vaginal lump

Could be painful or painless. It can present as swelling/ tag/ septum/ cyst.


Polyps are projecting growth of tissue from surface of skin or mucous membrane. These can be noticed during speculum examination in vagina or cervix. The polyps arising from the womb lining (endometrial polyps) are confirmed on hysteroscopy. These can sometimes prolapse through the cervix and noticed during speculum examination.

Menopausal symptoms

Symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, poor sleep, mood changes, anxiety, lack of concentration, mental fog, dry skin, vaginal dryness and recurrent urinary infections. These can begin before periods. Learn more at

Premature ovarian insufficiency/ Premature ovarian failure

When ovaries stop working before the age of 40 years. Restoring estrogen levels in women with primary ovarian insufficiency helps prevent some complications that occur as a result of low estrogen, such as osteoporosis.